Hospice Gives Hope

Hospice Life Care

Hospice Life Care is a not-for-profit community hospice that offers comprehensive and compassionate care to those in the final stages of life. Our primary goal is to provide patients and their families with the care and support they need while ensuring that their days are as comfortable and peaceful as possible.

Our Philosophy

Hospice Life Care recognizes that the dying process is a natural part of living and focuses on enhancing the quality of remaining life when cure is no longer available or desired. Hospice Life Care provides support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, addressing concerns, problems and emergencies. We take a holistic approach to pain and symptom management, addressing patients’ social, spiritual, and emotional needs, and always respecting their wishes.

Why Hospice?

Hospice Gives Hope

Hope for comfort when a cure is no longer feasible, hope that a patient’s final days are lived out in a secure, familiar setting in the manner in which they choose, and hope that the patient and family will be supported and nurtured.

Every day is a gift and we value quality of life for every patient, every day.

Hospice Care is provided wherever our patients call home:

Your House or Apartment

Friend's or Relative's Home

Assisted Living Facilities

Long Term Care Settings/Nursing Homes

Who Should Consider Hospice?

  • People with an estimated life expectancy of six months or less: if the disease runs its normal progression.
  • Patients and families who have chosen care that focuses on symptom management and comfort rather than curative treatment.
  • Patients and families in need of support and expert care and services to help ease them through the end-of-life journey.
  • A patient, who is aware of the prognosis and consents to the goals of Hospice care, and the patient has a primary care physician who will work with the Hospice or delegate care to the Hospice Medical Director.

Signs & Symptoms

Patients may be ready for hospice care if they experience the following:

  • Frequent hospitalizations
  • Decrease in functional ability
  • Progressive weight loss
  • Recurrent infections
  • Deteriorating mental status

Who Pays for Hospice Care?

  • Hospice is covered under Medicare, Medicaid and many private insurance companies
  • Coverage typically includes caregivers, medication and equipment related to the terminal diagnosis

Your rights

when considering Hospice Care for yourself or a loved one

The decision who to choose as your Hospice provider is completely up to you. It is important to do research, gather information and make a decision independently based on the information you have obtained. The decision is not up to your doctor, what hospital or nursing home you may be in or your insurance plan. It is 100% your choice.

When you have decided on a Hospice provider it is important that you ask for your hospice provider by name. You may be given a list of Hospice providers or informed of a specific contracted Hospice. Remember, it remains your choice, you may choose any hospice that you feel best meets your needs and goals of care. It’s that simple, any Hospice provider, your choice.

A Team Approach

Hospice Life Care Provides:

An experienced interdisciplinary team is custom built to fit your needs.

Hospice Director


Registered Nurses


Social Workers


Home Health Aides


Spiritual Counselors


Bereavement Coordinator


Volunteer Coordinator


Trained Volunteers

Covered Services

Delivery of medications, equipment, and supplies necessary for management of the patient’s hospice diagnosis—at no charge to patient or family

Home visits by nurses, home health aides, social workers, and volunteers

24 hour/7 day RN availability to address concerns, problems and emergencies either by phone or home visits

Individualized emotional and spiritual support for patient and family

Volunteers to provide companionship and caregiver support

Why Hospice Life Care?

Hospice Life Care recognizes that a peaceful and comfortable death is individualized for each person. Every patient deserves the highest level of care and deserves to be treated with dignity, respect, and kindness. We offer unique programs and services including honoring our Veterans on service and in the community and helping patients and families through The Hospice Help Foundation.

Care that exceeds state and national benchmarks in quality

Because it is about YOU; your goals, care, comfort, and decisions

It’s about not counting the days but making the days count