Hospice Life Care
Bereavement Services
At Hospice Life Care, we offer bereavement support for family and friends for the first 13 months following their loss. We understand that grief is a personal process that varies in duration and intensity.
Comfort When You Need it Most

Growing Through Grief
Grief is a natural response to change or loss. It can be painful, but the pain should subside. Sometimes loss brings relief.
Take Care of Your Emotional Needs:
Express Your Feelings:
Talk about your grief. Holding it in can create more stress and more problems.
Ask for Help:
People want to help but often they don’t know what to say or do. Tell them what you need. For many people participation in a support group can be a great comfort.
Ask for Support:
Friends and family can make difficult times easier. For many people, support from a faith community can be a great comfort. Hospice Life Care offers individual grief education and counseling and/or will refer out to local professional resources.
Be Kind to Yourself:
Some days will be harder than others but you will get through them. Avoid making major decisions until you have had time to grieve. Anticipate that special occasions may trigger sadness and mixed emotions.
Forgive Yourself:
Some days you may be distracted from your regular activities. Allow yourself the time you need.